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I think BunnyCDN is the first real European answer to Cloudflare

·159 words·1 min

BunnyCDN is based in Slovenia. It’s the first serious European challenger to Cloudflare. It doesn’t do everything Cloudflare does, but it’s excellent at what it offers.

I’ve rolled it out for my personal site and DNS. Setup was easy. DNS management is simple, though direct in-view editing would help. The real standout is Edge Rules. It’s much more powerful than Cloudflare’s Page Rules and gives better control over traffic.

I visited Ljubljana and Bled for the first time last year. It’s a wonderful country. Great to see a top-tier infrastructure company coming from there.

One thing I’ve enjoyed with BunnyCDN is its constraints. You don’t get auto-deploys from a repo like Cloudflare Pages or FastFront (coming soon, and built on BunnyCDN). You build your site yourself and upload the assets. Constraints force better development. You either get creative or go back to basics.

If you want a fast, affordable CDN with strong European roots, BunnyCDN is worth a look.

Will Hackett
London, United Kingdom